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Our Website Design Services Build a Good First Impression

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A unique website design can improve your conversion rates

Website designing is an important aspect of building a successful online presence for your business or organization. A well-designed website not only attracts potential customers and visitors but also helps in building trust and credibility. However, designing a website requires a lot of expertise and skills, which may not be present within your organization. This is where website designing services come into play.

A website designing service provides professional and expert help in designing, developing, and maintaining a website. They have a team of experienced web designers and developers who are proficient in creating unique and effective websites that reflect your brand and business goals.

Website Design

Our SOPs and Step-by-Step approach aid in identifying specific issues and delivering a high ROI.

  • Goal Identification: Where I collaborate with the client to determine what goals the new website must achieve. I.e, what its purpose is.
  • Scope Definition: We can define the project scope once we know what the goals of the site are. I.e, What web pages and features the site will require to reach the goal, as well as a timeline for implementing those.
  • Sitemap or Wireframe Creation: We can begin digging into the sitemap now that the scope has been defined, Specifying how the content and features defined in the scope definition will interact with one another.
  • Content Creation: We begin creating content for the individual pages here, Considering regular search engine optimization (SEO) to help keep pages focused on a specific topic.
  • Visual Elements: With the website architecture in place and some content, We can now begin work on the visual brand. Tools such as style tiles, mood boards, and element collages can be invaluable in accomplishing this goal.
  • Testing: By now, you’ve got all your pages & defined how they display to the website visitor, So it's time to check if it all works.

Our Website Design Services Benefits

We provide Better ROI with our website design services. We understand why most websites fail to meet business objectives. As we can reverse the process for you. Our expert website design services Provide Stronger First impressions. Expert website design ensures that users will have a positive first impression of your website.

Amateur websites may appear unprofessional & lack credibility. It enables us to keep up with competitors by incorporating the most recent design trends, It can be accomplished with a professionally designed website.

In order to increase revenue. A Professional, well-designed website will draw users and increase revenue as a result. A business website must be custom to your company's goals, values, & ethics. Keev Marketing assists you in creating a vibrant website that is perfectly suited to your business. With the help of our web design services, you put your very best foot forward & surpass your competitors.

Invest in the Success of Your Website with Keev Marketing Website Design Services.

When you hire our professional website design services, you will get a website that is:

  • - Custom
  • - Responsive (sometimes called mobile-friendly)
  • - Secure (HTTPS)
  • - Optimized for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • - Professionally styled

Extra features can also be included in your professional website design. You can, for example, ask our developers to incorporate a database into your design or enable E-commerce functionality.

Are you interested in our work? Below are a few examples of our 1600+ web design projects. Alternatively, you can view our entire portfolio!

What Is Included in Keev Marketing's Web Design Services?

Our team customizes our web design services to your business's specific requirements. As a result, you can personalise every aspect of our services to your company, products or services, and objectives. As a result, your business — and its visitors — will appreciate your website.

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Learn more about our web design services:

  • - World-class technology
  • - Website page creation
  • - Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • - Customized style
  • - Responsive design
  • - Website copywriting
  • - Database integration
  • - A content management system
  • - Ecommerce functionality

Website page creation

You can rely on our designers to create every page of your website when you use our web design services

Our designers can create the webpages your business needs to reach, inform, and convert your target audience, whether you're an eCommerce store, a brick-and-mortar business, or a service provider. As a full-service digital marketing agency, we provide content marketing services to supplement your strategy.

Our web design cost calculator has five tiers for the number of web pages:

  • - 1 to 10
  • - 10 to 50
  • - 50 to 150
  • - 150 to 250
  • - 250+

What if you require far more than 250 pages?

Simply contact us online, or use our project quote calculator to request an exact quote. Our experienced strategists will create a customized plan and quote for the number of pages your site requires, whether it is 300, 500, or more.

You can also contact our team if you are unsure how many webpages your website requires. When it comes to web design, they have years of experience and can provide trusted recommendations. To speak with us, please call at 8448478448.

Search Engine Optimization

We improve your digital marketing strategy and maximize the results of your website design or redesign plan by ensuring your website adheres to the best SEO strategies. SEO is an umbrella term for techniques that improve your website's ranking in relevant search results.

A higher ranking in search results means more visibility among users in your target audience. Your website can earn more clicks and traffic from high-value users with better visibility for relevant search results, which can translate to more store visits, online shop, quote requests, or more.

As a result, our website design services include SEO. Our search engine optimization web design company's collaboration ensures that your website not only looks good but also ranks well in search results.

Customized style

It's critical that your website reflects your brand, which is why our web design services include an array of design options. For example, if your company requires a sophisticated design that highlights the quality and price range of your products, our team can deliver.

Additional website design examples include:

  • Simple & attractive
  • Moderate styling
  • High-end
  • World-class

To provide you with an accurate quote estimate, our web design quote calculator includes these four styles, as well as a no-styling option. However, we do not limit you to these five options because no one wants a cookie-cutter website.

When requesting a quote online or chatting with our strategists about your website design, we encourage you to share your style preferences. Your dedicated project manager will also take the time to learn about your company, its goals, and its vision.

This enables our award-winning web design team to create a one-of-a-kind website.

Responsive design

Our website design services include responsive design as an option. However, we recommend responsive design because it caters to mobile users, who may be shoppers browsing the web on their tablets or smartphones.

With mobile users accounting for more than 70 percent of Internet traffic, it's critical to provide support for users on the go. It's also good SEO practise because Google now crawls and views websites from the perspective of a mobile user rather than a desktop user.

If your website does not support mobile users, Google will change your ranking in search results. This can result in a lower ranking, relegating your site to page two of search results and further away from your target audience.
With our responsive design option, we can keep this from happening to your company.

Website copywriting

In addition to web design, we offer website copywriting for maximum impact. We have a highly skilled and specialised copywriting team. We can create compelling copy that engages and converts website visitors using their expertise in technical or non-technical industries.

We offer three levels of website copywriting services, which are as follows:

  • - 5 to 10 pages
  • - 10 to 25 pages
  • - 25 to 50 pages

If you require more than 50 pages, we can tailor your quote or design plan to meet your needs.

We optimize your website copy for Search engine optimization(SEO) as part of our website copywriting services. What does that mean? Our digital marketing specialists conduct keyword research for your company, industry, and webpages, which our copywriters then use to optimize your pages.

Your website appears near the top of search results when customers use those keywords in their searches. That's a huge benefit, because 75% of users never look past the first page of search results — in fact, the first search result receives more than 30% of all search traffic.

Database integration

Many business websites include a database, which is used for things like payment processing. We provide full database integration support in three tiers: basic, advanced, & full development. If your company does not require database integration, enter "none" in the cost calculator.

As part of our database integration services, our team of designers or developers work one-on-one with your business to develop and launch the exact database your company requires and desires.

Not sure what type of database integration your business requires? Speak with one of our knowledgeable strategists. They can make recommendations and work with our web developers to ensure you get what you need for your business.

Content management system (CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is another optional add-on for our web design services.

A CMS is extremely valuable whether you have an e-commerce website or an informational website. It can help your company manage and streamline its content, increasing the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.

As part of our web design services, our team typically recommends a CMS. We provide three CMS tiers: basic, advanced, and enterprise. A standard CMS can often work for your company, depending on its size.

However, for the most accurate recommendation or quote, please contact us online.

Ecommerce functionality

We also provide e-commerce functionality deliverables to businesses. We provide three tiers of service, similar to our database integration service: basic, advanced, and enterprise. If you're not sure which level is best for your company, you can consult with one of our experienced strategists.

They can assist you in selecting the tier that is most beneficial for your business by applying their expertise. Plus, our strategists can collaborate with a designer and developer to ensure that the basic, advanced, or enterprise tier will provide the best ROI and user experience (UX).

With our full-service digital marketing agency, we are equipped to meet your exact web design specifications. Our ability to tailor every aspect of our web design services to your company enables us to provide an unrivalled level of personalization in web design.

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Need more organic traffic and leads? Contact Us to discuss your needs and business objectives

What Our Clients Say About Our Website Design Services

  • bliss

    Bliss decor

    “ Effective, responsible, & knowledgeable. I have all good things to say about Keev Marketing! the team is superb when it comes to their commitment.”

  • airex2

    Airex heaters

    “We've been thrilled to work with them. The team is very attentive, effective & committed to the results. ”

  • unicorn

    Unicorn equipment

    “These guys are great at what they do, and worth the money!”

  • Investors

    Investors Point

    “We greatly appreciate Keev marketing's creativity & guidance in re-branding our company's image & profile.”

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